Embark on a journey into the dynamic realm of Cloud Computing as we transport you to the years 2022-2023, a period marked by significant strides in cloud technology. IEEE Project Centre in Chennai extends a warm invitation to explore a meticulously curated collection of Cloud Computing projects that not only epitomize the innovation of that era but also continue to shape the trajectory of cloud computing. In an age where the cloud is revolutionizing data management and reshaping the technological landscape, these projects serve as a bridge connecting the past to the limitless possibilities of the cloud-powered future.

The projects from 2022-2023 span a diverse spectrum of cloud-related domains, including cloud architecture, data analytics, and cloud security. These projects played a pivotal role in sculpting the modern cloud ecosystem, laying the foundation for the advanced technologies that drive our digital world today. IEEE Project Centre in Chennai is committed to preserving and celebrating this technological legacy. Through hands-on learning experiences guided by seasoned mentors, our mission is to honor the achievements of this era and inspire today’s learners to build upon this robust foundation, forging their path to success in the ever-evolving field of cloud computing.

Join us at IEEE Project Centre in Chennai to explore the 2022-2023 Cloud Computing projects. These projects provide a unique opportunity to step back in time while preparing for the future. Immerse yourself in a transformative learning journey as we blend history with innovation, shaping the future of cloud professionals not only in Chennai but on the global stage of technology.

SNO Projects List
1 Achieving Secure, Universal, and Fine-Grained Query Results Verification for Secure Search Scheme over Encrypted Cloud Data
2 Provably Secure Key-Aggregate Cryptosystems with Broadcast Aggregate Keys for Online Data Sharing on the Cloud
3 Cost Optimization for Dynamic Replication and Migration of Data in Cloud Data Centers
4 A Secure and Verifiable Access Control Scheme for Big Data Storage in Clouds
5 Privacy Protection and Intrusion Avoidance for Cloudlet-based Medical Data Sharing
7 On the Security of Data Access Control for Multi authority Cloud Storage Systems
8 Temporal task scheduling with constrained service delay for profit maximization in hybrid clouds
9 Identity-Based Private Matching over Outsourced Encrypted Datasets
10 Two-Cloud Secure Database for Numeric-Related SQL Range Queries with Privacy Preserving
11 Cost Optimization for Dynamic Replication and Migration of Data in Cloud Data Centers