IEEE Project Centre, a realm where innovation meets cloud technology in the domain of IEEE Cloud Sim projects for the years 2022-2023. As champions of technical brilliance among students, enthusiasts, and future cloud engineers, we’re excited to introduce a diverse range of  IEEE Cloud Sim projects that are poised to redefine the landscape of cloud computing, virtualization, and simulation.

In the rapidly evolving world of cloud technology and virtualization, IEEE Cloud Sim projects 2022-2023 stand as a pivotal phase with emerging architectures, advanced platforms, and transformative applications. At IEEE Project Centre, we’ve thoughtfully curated a collection of projects spanning various domains, from cloud resource management and workload scheduling to network simulation and performance evaluation. Our primary goal is to provide you not only with projects but immersive learning experiences that empower you to excel in the dynamic Cloud Sim ecosystem.

What truly sets IEEE Project Centre apart is our unwavering commitment to excellence. Our team of experienced mentors, cloud experts, and engineers are dedicated to guiding you through every facet of your IEEE Cloud Sim project journey. From simulating cloud environments to analyzing performance metrics and optimization, we’re here to ensure that your project not only meets the highest standards but also reflects your growth as a proficient cloud engineer.

SNOProjects List
1AutoElastic – Automatic Resource Elasticity for High Performance Applications in the Cloud
2Adaptive Multi – Resource Allocation for Cloudlet – Based Mobile Cloud Computing System
3Exploiting Task Elasticity and Price Heterogeneity for Maximizing Cloud Computing Profits
4Decentralized and Optimal Resource Cooperation in Geo – distributed Mobile Cloud Computing
5Auction-Based Resource Allocation for Sharing Cloudlets in Mobile Cloud Computing
6Workflow Scheduling in Multi – Tenant Cloud Computing Environments
7T-Broker: A Trust – Aware Service Brokering Scheme for Multiple Cloud Collaborative Services
8Energy – Aware Load Balancing and Application Scaling for the Cloud Ecosystem
9kBF: Towards Approximate and Bloom Filter based Key – Value Storage for Cloud Computing Systems
10kBF: Towards Approximate and Bloom Filter based Key – Value Storage for Cloud Computing Systems
11TEES: An Efficient Search Scheme over Encrypted Data on Mobile Cloud
12Resource provisioning for task – batch based workflows with deadlines in public clouds
13Cost Optimization for Dynamic Replication and Migration of Data in Cloud Data Centers
14A Lightweight Secure Data Sharing Scheme for Mobile Cloud Computing
15Optimizing Locality – Aware Memory Management of Key – Value Caches
16Provably Secure Key – Aggregate Cryptosystems with Broadcast Aggregate Keys for Online Data Sharing on the Cloud
17Correlation Modeling and Resource Optimization for Cloud Service with Fault Recovery
18Achieving Privacy – friendly Storage and Secure Statistics for Smart Meter Data on Outsourced Clouds
19Multimedia Processing Pricing Strategy in GPU – accelerated Cloud Computing
20Quantitative Modeling and Analytical Calculation of Elasticity in Cloud Computing
21Efficiently Translating Complex SQL Query to MapReduce Jobflow on Cloud
22Cooperative Provable Data Possession for Integrity Verification in Multi Cloud Storage
23A Load Balancing Model Based on Cloud Partitioning for the Public Cloud
24Oruta Privacy Preserving Public Auditing for Shared Data in the Cloud
25Decentralized Access Control with Anonymous Authentication of Data Stored in Clouds
26Privacy Preserving Multi Keyword Ranked Search over Encrypted Cloud Data
27Reliability – Based Design Optimization for Cloud Migration
28Privacy Preserving Delegated Access Control in Public Clouds
29A Profit Maximization Scheme with Guaranteed Quality of Service in Cloud Computing
30A Scalable and Reliable Matching Service for Content-Based Publish/Subscribe Systems