Welcome to IEEE Project Centre, a beacon of technological exploration and learning, where we proudly present our carefully curated selection of 2020-2021 DotNet IEEE projects. As technology continues to reshape industries, we extend an enthusiastic invitation to students and professionals to dive into the dynamic world of DotNet programming within the context of IEEE standards. Our projects are meticulously designed to provide more than theoretical knowledge; they offer a hands-on platform for learning and practical application.
Our 2020-2021 DotNet IEEE projects offer a unique opportunity to enhance your skills, learn industry best practices, and create impactful solutions. Collaborate with our team of experts and industry professionals to unlock the full potential of DotNet programming. At IEEE Project Centre, we’re dedicated to delivering a transformative learning experience through our DotNet projects. Join us in exploring the possibilities of DotNet within the context of IEEE standards, and unlock your potential in the ever-evolving world of programming innovation.
DOT NET Development Arrangements are Best Known for the Security they Give to The Greater and Huge Applications. IEEE Project Centers Provide 2020 2021 DOT NET IEEE Application Projects. Improvement Organization, we have a Significant Information of Applying the Security Highlights Accessible with .NET Structure.
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SNO | Projects List |
1 | Location Inference for Non-geotagged Tweets in User Timelines |
2 | Modelling and Predicting Community Structure Changes in Time Evolving Social Networks |
3 | Private Graph: Privacy-Preserving Spectral Analysis of Encrypted Graphs in the Cloud |
4 | On Spatial-Aware Community Search |
5 | On Generalizing Collective Spatial Keyword Queries |
6 | Relationship between Variants of One-Class Nearest Neighbors and Creating their Accurate Ensembles |
7 | Influence Maximization on Social Graphs: A Survey |
8 | Mining Summaries for Knowledge Graph Search |
9 | Supervised Search Result Diversification via Subtopic Attention |
10 | Approximate Order-Sensitive k-NN Queries over Correlated High-Dimensional Data |
11 | Online Product Quantization |
12 | Uncertain Graph Scarification |
13 | A General Framework for Implicit and Explicit Social Recommendation |
14 | Finding Optimal Skyline Product Combinations under Price Promotion |
15 | Adaptive Cost-Sensitive Online Classification |
16 | Efficient Mining of Frequent Patterns on Uncertain Graphs |
17 | NAIS: Neural Attentive Item Similarity Model for Recommendation |
18 | Similarity Measures for SQL Query Clustering |
SNO | Projects List |
1 | Reward or Penalty: Aligning Incentives of Stakeholders in Crowd sourcing |
2 | COAST: A Cooperative Storage Framework for Mobile Transparent Computing Using Device-to-Device Data Sharing |
3 | Achieving Load Balance for Parallel Data Access on Distributed File Systems |
4 | Profit-Driven Dynamic Cloud Pricing for Multi server Systems Considering User Perceived Value |
5 | Transparency service model for data security in cloud computing |
6 | Energy Theft Detection in Multi-Tenant Data Centers with Digital Protective Relay Deployment |
7 | Security and QoS guarantee-based resource allocation within cloud computing environment |
8 | reduction Based Mobile Data Offloading in Mobile Cloud Computing |
SNO | Projects List |
1 | SecSDN-Cloud: Defeating Vulnerable Attacks Through Secure Software-Defined Networks |
2 | Network-based detection of mobile malware exhibiting obfuscated or silent network behavior |
3 | Improving Privacy and Security in Decentralizing Multi-Authority Attribute-Based Encryption in Cloud Computing |
4 | Secure and Efficient Product Information Retrieval in Cloud Computing |
5 | Transparency service model for data security in cloud computing |
6 | Secured outsourcing towards a cloud computing environment based on DNA cryptography |
7 | Secure and Efficient Privacy-Preserving Cipher text Retrieval in Connected Vehicular Cloud Computing |
8 | Data security in cloud computing using AES under HEROKU cloud |
SNO | Projects List |
1 | Privacy-Preserving Search over Encrypted Personal Health Record In Multi-Source Cloud |
2 | Decentralized attribute-based encryption and data sharing scheme in cloud storage |
3 | Privacy-preserving and Dynamic Multi-attribute Conjunctive Keyword Search over Encrypted Cloud Data |
4 | An Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Biometric Identification Scheme in Cloud Computing |
5 | Privacy Preservation for Outsourced Medical Data With Flexible Access Control |
6 | File-centric Multi-Key Aggregate Keyword Searchable Encryption for Industrial Internet of Things |
7 | Cloud-Based Approximate Constrained Shortest Distance Queries Over Encrypted Graphs With Privacy Protection |
8 | Secure and Efficient Attribute-Based Access Control for Multiauthority Cloud Storage |
9 | Searchable Encryption over Feature-Rich Data |
10 | Enabling Efficient User Revocation in Identity-based Cloud Storage Auditing for Shared Big Data |
11 | Towards Shared Ownership in the Cloud |
12 | A New Lightweight Symmetric Searchable Encryption Scheme for String Identification |